The first week of classes has come and gone. It took me a while a find a couple of my lecture rooms, but I found them in time and wasn't late to any of my classes. There are a lot of differences in the way things are taught over here. Not that I didn't expect things to be different, I did, it's just that now, I'm a bit worried that I might not be able to cope. We have major essays to write and actual researching to do. A small voice inside me keeps saying that I should have stayed in Davis where everything is familiar and therefore easier.
Our scheduling is quite interesting as well. They tell us our lab times after we've signed up for the classes and in some classes we have to sign up for the different lab times after that. The responsibility of making sure our lab times don't clash is on us.
All that being said, once I get a grip on the system, I really want to do well. My aim is to get on the Deans List, or well, to at least get First Class marks. I am taking all biology classes after all. I don't expect it to be easy, but I'm going to try my best.