Swish, Tap, Fwoop! The wand has been waved and the magic curtain has fallen over the stage. The Act (number of which I have not decided yet) is now over. I'm back in California again. Things aren't as great or as magical and nothing seems to have changed much. On the other hand, a lot seems to have happened while I was away, a lot that I hadn't heard about even through the highways and airways of modern technology, some good, some bad.
I am happy to be back, to see family and old friends again and see old sights,
taste old foods etc etc etc. Some part of me was expecting something like fireworks when I got back, but that kind of stuff only happens in the movies. As much as I wish my life was a movie, I know that that's not true. And Anyway, reality is a lot deeper and more fulfilling than fiction.
Running into my Dad's arms at the airport was amazing. I didn't think I was going to cry, but my eyes filled with tears before I knew it.
Then there were the silly little things that I missed; like cars stopping for me when I needed to cross the street and having toilet seat covers. I obviously missed my Mummy's cooking, but soon after I landed I had cravings for all the places that I'd ever eaten at in Davis: Redrum Burger, Chipotle, Thai 2K and Fuji's Sushi.
My brother seems to have grown a further few inches and watching him at his graduation was amazing. It's hard to believe that he's so big now, almost 18!
But being back, I know now that I've left a little piece of my heart in the UK. I'll always tear up at scenes and sights of St Andrews and of London as well. I'll always remember the friends I've made there and will keep in touch with them, because even though I've lived in three different countries, I still haven't met two people who're alike. Each person is different and valuable and that is why I will hold dear every friend that I've made. Each of them, each of you, add something special to my life, and for that I thank you all.
It's always difficult being back. I did a semester abroad in Ireland and I was very out of sorts for a bit. Plus, I don't know if your accent changed at all, but my family & friends all made fun of my lilt when I returned. (They were just envious though!)
It sounds like you had a great study abroad experience yourself!
I've been back for almost four months now, and I still find things that are weird.
I have just started school back in California, so there's been a few things that I was recently surprised by. My first day of classes I had a 500+ class and it was a bit weird seeing as my classes in St Andrews were only ~25 strong.
While I like being back and being with old friends, I miss St Andrews and keep reminiscing about it.