I'm on the train back up to St Andrews as I write this. I left from King's Cross in London, I guess you could say I'm on the Hogwarts express (I promise one of these days I'll get a picture of me by Platform nine and three quarters). My holiday was fun. I had a great time with my cousins, enjoyed the preparation and consumption of the lovely Christmas dinners, and enjoyed navigating the mad sales after Christmas as well.
I only went into the City twice this time. Once we walked around the Trafalgar Square area and another time we went to see a play at the National Theatre. The play is called WarHorse and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The set design, the props, the acting were all amazing.
For Christmas, we went to the Midnight Mass at Westminster Cathedral which was said in Latin. We opened presents right after we got back and on Christmas Day we had a big dinner.
New Year's was much more laid back. We roast duck on New Year's Eve and then stayed up to watch the New Year's Eve specials on TV. We brought in the New Year with champagne while watching the firework display at London Eye on TV.
I do not usually make New Years' resolutions, but this year I did. I also discovered why so many people's New Years' resolutions fail. For one, people expect things to change overnight, which doesn't happen. If you have been going a certain way or doing or not doing something for a long time you cant expect it to just change suddenly and completely just because we hang a new calendar on the wall. It takes a while, and its a process of change. I was almost read to give up my resolution when I figured (after the first day itself) that it wasn't going to work and every thing I saw or read seemed to contradict my resolution. Well, after a bit of thought and the revelation that it will take a while to get used to, I decided to stick with it.
It snowed during the night and early this morning back in Croydon and it seems to have snowed all over England as well. As the train rolls on I see trees with snow in their branches and large fields made white with the snow. I only hope St Andrews gets a bit of snow, I am longing to build another snowman!
Happy New Year to you, and I hope your New Year's resolution will last!